Sunday, September 23

Research Scrapbook

i needed to find a place to backup my research idears and processes...then i realized that i already had a place where i used to do that.

So i'm back.

Current research idears:

  • Black blogs and environmental justice - is anyone out there?
  • revising the dissertation for publication
  • anybody studied or
  • looking for a Black organization using technology in significant ways to keep its employees/membership together

Current research processes:
  • a comprehensive list of black and black-oriented blogs
  •  - this is going to be problematic for a number of reasons...need to revisit
  • updated webliography for online identity research
  • continue developing a framework for examining online cultural content
Dunno if anyone still reads this joint (no-one's posted in over a year), but anyone with advice on being new, Black, tenure-track faculty at a research one university holla atcha boy.

More content later...


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